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History of Malayalam language

History of Malayalam language - Aneka masakan - Initially influenced by Malayalam Tamil , particularly in the world of literature . But then on further developments , this language much influenced by Sanskrit, besides Tamil as a language for administrative affairs at that time . But unlike Malayalam Tamil estimated start since the 4th century AD and 5 , caused by the geographical location of Kerala mountainous so they are isolated from the outside world .

Then many Indo- Aryan obat tradisional sariawan immigrants who settled in Kerala and incorporate the influence of Sanskrit into Malayalam . To solve the problem between Aryan migrants and locals , then mix the two languages ​​ditemukanlah called Manipravalam . Leelatilakam written in the 14th century describe Manipravalam complete .

Upon entering the 15th century , this type of verse poetry began to appear . The most important works of this period is written by Cherusseri Krishnagatha . This work uses the language Malayalam with little influence of Sanskrit.

Then in the 17th century began the modern era of Malayalam with the future famous writer named Thunchath Ramanujan Ezhutachan with his work titled Adhyatma Ramayanam . Here then the relationship between Malayalam and Tamil began to thin . Malayalam lot of influence from different languages ​​namely Syriac , Latin , Portuguese , English , Arabic , Persian , Urdu , Hindi , Tamil , Sanskrit and Pali .

Dialect [edit | edit source ]
Malayalam languages ​​have different gradations between the Brahmi and Harijans . Brahmi variation of the Malayalam language is rich with the influence of Sanskrit. While the Islamists are using vocabulary from Arabic and Urdu in everyday conversation . Many Christian circles influenced by the vocabulary of the language of Syriac , Latin , Portuguese and English .

A variant Malayalam is also used by the Jewish community in Kerala is now just a little . Religious terms and kinship they are still influenced by the Hebrew language . Malayalam today is very much influenced by the English, who occupied the position as the language of education and inter- group affairs . English vocabulary is widely used in Malayalam language conversations consciously or not .